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The 5 Steps We Use to Develop Great Websites

Step 1: Discovery & Strategy

Our Discovery & Strategy phase is probably the most important step of the entire process, it sets up the foundation for the entire website development process. 

The two biggest decisions are made during this step: budget and scope. If we know we have to work with then we can be realistic and honest with you about what can be achieved in the timeframe you are looking for. 

Without a clear goal in mind that is communicated clearly between both parties the project can take on a life of its own and become unrealistic for either the budget or timeframe set out. 

We hate our clients ending up in this awkward situation that could easily have been avoided by getting on the same page, which is why we put such an emphasis on our Discovery & Strategy stage.

Together we will figure out your goals for the website, including the purpose, target audience, the message of the brand and the important design features. The overarching strategy that we create together will inform every step of the development process and put us on the path to design a great website.

Step 2: Content & Web Design

The “Design” part includes all the visual elements of your website, which should be designed with your branding in mind to ensure that your brand identity is kept consistent. Having consistent branding is crucial for organically increasing traffic to your website. 

For companies with existing branding we will ensure that it is prominently displayed on your website to help foster brand recognition and trust. For those just starting to build up their business and haven't yet nailed down your branding, it is important to think about every aspect of your design - visuals, written content, brand personality etc. - through the lens of your target audience.

After finalising the direction of design, it is time to get to work on building your website. This is a crucial step as it is where design meets user experience.

Along with all the great design choices that we are just as excited about as you are, we put a huge focus on creating your site in a way that makes sense to your customers. The design of the layout, call to action buttons, written content, menu placements (and pretty much everything else) is made to keep people engaged with your site.

Step 3: Refine 

Once the design is there, it's time to perfect it.

Beyond making sure that you are happy with every visual aspect of the design, we want to make sure everything a customer will see is working perfectly. This means no broken links, no cut-off images, nothing that will make people question the quality of your business.

The design of things you can't see can be just as important too; we always keep the responsiveness and performance of your site a priority. Whether your potential customers are on web or mobile devices, your website needs to work seamlessly.

With the ever-increasing amount of mobile users, sites that aren't designed to be mobile friendly just won't cut it anymore.

Step 4: Launch

Once everything has been double and triple checked it is time for the most exciting part, to see everything come together and hit the ground running.

For the 99% of clients whose launch goes flawlessly... congratulations! The time and work put in has paid off and that click to send the website live has set your newest online venture off on the best foot possible.

Even though we always prepare the best that we can, there can still be unavoidable road bumps for this step. The good news is that if this does happen, we will be there with you to get things moving properly ASAP. We are here to be your support team through this process so you don't have to stress.

Step 5: Care, Management and Digital Marketing

The website may be live, but that doesn't mean it can just be left alone and neglected. A website is a service, not an object. Without the care and maintenance of your website the experience of your audience will deteriorate.

IDD Electrical Website Design Mocked Up on a PC Monitor, created by Devonport web design company The Tasmanian Web Company.
IDD Electrical Website Design Mocked Up on a PC Monitor

Ongoing content production and digital marketing will help you get more out of your website. It's an investment that you've made, if you want to get the most out of it, keep the ball rolling.

The Most Important Things to Consider When Developing an eCommerce Website
A Guide to Website as a Service (WaaS)

We collaborate with aspiring businesses big and small from all corners of Australia. Working closely with them we handcraft their webites and for their brands. And we can't wait to work with you!

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